
Friday, December 29, 2006

broken strings and forgotten words!!!

Well, Spiny played a gig last night and I guess it was ok. Here's the venue:
The Butchers Arms in Mountain Ash South Wales.

Not the biggest place in the World but the people are nice and friendly there, we played there about a year ago and it was good then too, trouble is, last year all the posters they put up advertising the gig had our name spelt wrong, they called us Spikey Norman!! This year they got it a little closer but still not quite there!! lol. Here's this years poster! (sorry it's a bit blurred, I'm not used to my new toy yet!!)

We weren't quite sure if it was an advert or a statement!! Next time we'll make the poster ouselves with SPINY spelt correctly and send it too them!!

Here's a photo of the stage, it's a tiny little place so there's wasnt much room for us to move about, plus, the stage had 2 very hot heaters on it wich promted the comment "it's too fucking hot in this fucking place" by our very own Delbut. He wasnt wrong! We turned them off but they did take a while to cool down!

As for the gig, well, we were shite!!!! My bro (Big-Al) bust his E string on his bass guitar (how hard is it to do that???) And I played like a man with severe amnesia for most of the gig!!

I forgot most of my solos and even forgot the opening line to Dancing In the Moonlight (Lizzy) and there was an embarassingly long pause before Big-Al shouted "I passed her in the doorway!!" and then we were away! The punters didnt seem to notice tho, and they gave us some nice applause after each song and we eventually ended up doing 3 encores and the management gave us some extra money too so we must have been doing something right!!

Needless to say this long break inbetween gigs because of my knee operation has made us a little bit rusty! 2007 will be good tho, we're ready to upgrade some of our equipment and soon we'll be rocking South Wales to the rafters!

There was no one at the gig to take photos of us while we played but Delbut did set up a video camera behind his head and got some footage of us playing. Hopefully he'll either send me the footage and I'll post it on here or he'll post it himself on a new Blog he's thinking of starting called "the drummers view" or something like that! Watch this space!


  • Oh we've all *been there* in those titanic sinking moments when we forget words/chords/sing sharp when we cannot hear ourselves in the monitors... one curious thing, have you ever noticed that, the AUDIENCE NEVER REALLY SEEMS TO NOTICE??

    At one huge venue I stepped backwards onto my keyboard input cord and slipped it out of the PA(which we had placed the head on the floor directly behind me). Because I had programmed 1/2 of what I was playing I didn't dare bend down to slip the cord back into the jack. It would have been rather noticeable if piano/strings/etc continued playing while my hands were nowhere near the keys. The net effect? No one there noticed that I was playing keyboards like mad with no keyboard sounds coming out of the mains. I then switched to acoustic and in my disarray played some unknown guitar chord 1/2 way through the next song. I glanced up. Still no one missed a beat. Perhaps it shall remain forever the *unknown chord* we all play here and there now and then :P

    Happy New Year Andy!!!!


    By Blogger BlackVelvetLace, at 2:55 am  

  • Hi Andy,
    That's good that some things went right during your gig.

    Sorry about your band name being spelled wrong, but if you ever need anybody who can make a poster, I could do it, I'm a graphic designer.

    Hope everything is well for you.

    Take care.

    By Blogger Metalchick, at 10:02 pm  

  • Hi Andy!
    Are you still alive?
    Not blogging anymore?
    Hope you are well.
    Take care,

    By Blogger Suesjoy, at 7:45 am  

  • ::Flounces in.. hands on hips::

    Well Andy, where are you anyway??


    By Blogger BlackVelvetLace, at 8:42 pm  

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