I Wish
This was the view from the stage where we played our festival gig on Saturday!!!
The stage was brilliant!
We were ten times better than the bunch of amatures on before us! The one in the middle kept harrassing Del for his autograph!! So Del told him where to go and tried to insert a drumstick in him! The guitarist on the right plays a Telecaster, the same as me, and he tried to walk off with mine pretending that he didnt know!! I told him to go fall out of a tree! Cheeky bugger!
I wish, I wish, I wish!
The truth will follow after the trauma has passed!!
These were the nurses from the First-Aid tent at the back of the stage!!! We were 10 minutes late starting our set because Delbut kept coming over all faint and had to go to the First-Aid tent for treatment!! He also went twice after we'd finished the set and three times before we left just to make sure he was in top health!!!
The stage was brilliant!
We were ten times better than the bunch of amatures on before us! The one in the middle kept harrassing Del for his autograph!! So Del told him where to go and tried to insert a drumstick in him! The guitarist on the right plays a Telecaster, the same as me, and he tried to walk off with mine pretending that he didnt know!! I told him to go fall out of a tree! Cheeky bugger!
I wish, I wish, I wish!
The truth will follow after the trauma has passed!!
Andy. Did you get my drumstick back?
oh, and i told you working for the red cross had its benefits. the one on the right runs a first aid centre in Malvern. Those who check my diary whereabouts will see i go there often. And cum there often.
Keep the myth going. Dont spill the beans..at all. There is a lot of mileage in this.
By Delbut, at 3:05 pm
Hi Andy,
Glad to hear that the gig went well. I'm sorry I couldn't be there, but thanks for playing Substitude! I'm flattered that you guys did this for me and for the audience as well. How did they like it?
By Metalchick, at 9:33 am
they both loved it!!!
More will be explaind later!! lol. Watch this space!
By Spiny, at 10:40 am
NOW NOW was he really making sure he was in top health or just ON TOP? I guess working for the Red Cross has its perks eh?
By Fleur de Bee, at 7:10 am
Reality Check
By Big-Al, at 11:48 am
Wasn't that actually taken in the aftermath of Woodstock?
By BlackVelvetLace, at 4:39 am
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