In The Beginning........
So it begins.....My first attempt at a Blog!! My mate Delbut (finest drummer this side of me) has been blogging for many a moon now and so I thought I'd give it a go myself. I am a guitarist/singer in the band Spiny Norman, along with Del, (thats me on the right incase you were wondering!!)
This Blog will give you an insight into what it's like being part of a covers band in South Wales, from rehearsing to gigging!
I have no intention of using a spell checker, so dont even go there ok!!!!
This isnt the best time to actually start a blog about my band cos we have no rehearsals and no gigs lined up for at least 3 weeks so in the meantime here's a brief band history..........
We formed in 1996 and it's now our tenth anniversary!
Was that brief enough for ya?
There's more info on the Spiny website.
Here's a bit about me:
I am 38, I am single, I live in Cardiff Bay in South Wales. I am a chemist and I work with radioactively labelled organic compounds for use in the drug discovery industry, it's all good fun and for those of you who want to know more about nuclea chemisrty but find it difficult to understand, here's an easy guide:
Actually I'm not really allowed to say what my work entails, it's so secret that not even I know what I do! In the secret organization I work for, all identities, for security purposes, have to be kept strictly confidential. For instance, I haven’t the faintest idea who I am, nor do I know what my job is. When I drive myself home from work, I have to wear a blindfold so I don’t find out where I live. I also have to be quite secretive about my real name, as do my coleagues, Now this all-pervading secrecy over names could, of course, be very harmful to the normal smooth running of whatever it is we do in our department, so, in order that we have something to call each other, we simply stick pins at random into a phone book. And this week my name is Slumberland Quilts. But that’s just a cover.
I cant wait till we start gigging again, this Blog writing is harder than it looks (Del, you make it look sooooo easy!!)
Ok, as soon as I can think of something interesting to write I'll be back! I'm off to my sister-in-law's 40th birthday party now up in Abernoname. If I survive the vegetarian buffet I'll post the outcome!
Welcome Andy. You learned any new chords yet? those three are getting a bit tiresome!
I will try and link you to my blog now and tell all my friends what an arseho;e you are! LOL. Only joking. ( i'll only tell some of them)
By Delbut, at 7:23 pm
Well, I'm here, So this is Andy eh? Good to meet ya Andy, you have alot of catching up to do here, Delbut is quite adored and famous around these parts, so try not to fuck this up. You can't hide behind a blistering guitar solo here. No sir, you will critically judged, and all eyes will be on you to produce!! Failure to compete at a competent level will have you ridiculed and scorned globally and possibly sent to a Britney Spears cover band. Good luck and hope this puts you at ease.
By Anonymous, at 6:20 am
Hi Andy,
You will have lots of fun blogging. Feel free to drop by my blog anytime you want. I'll add you to my list of bloggers.
By Metalchick, at 7:43 am
::Wanders in from Del's place::
::Kablinks:: Andy! Where did you get my picture from!?!?!?!?!
By BlackVelvetLace, at 2:03 am
Welcome to the blogosphere Andy! I have been blogger for over a year and just recently "met" a bunch of great blogging Who fans! Good luck with the band, I strum some myself! Have fun!
Long Live Rock!
By Unknown, at 4:30 am
I'm here now so the party has just begun! I see "Kate" has done all the prep-work for me and baked cookies for refreshments.
Now lets all take off our clothes and pretend we are nudist fans of Spiney. OK NOT REALLY but you wish!
Nice to meet you. I hear you are an asshole! or was is arsseho;e? I forget!
XX-Molly the one and only Chubby BallerinaGurl!
By Fleur de Bee, at 7:55 am
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