
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The row behind....grrrrrrrr

Question: When you are 300 yards from the stage at an Eagles concert, what kind of brain does it take to believe that holding your mobile (cell) phone at arms length will make the slightest goddamned bit of difference to the quality of sound the recipient of the call will hear???
Answer: The brains belonging to the complete set of fuckwits in the row behind mine who kept shoving their phones along side my head when Hotel Cali was being played!!!!

The show was great, the band were the highest quality, the people in the row behind me were top brass morons!
They talked all the way thru the show, well, screamed is more like it. Talking on phones, shouting to each other when there was a song being played that they didnt know, and when Glen Fry was telling the story of a song they'd written on the evening of 9/11 they didnt even have the courtesy to pay attention and appreciate the emotion that the band were obviously trying to instill on the crowd. The people behind me were an embarassement to themselves, really, really sad!
Go to a concert, get stoned, get drunk, laugh, sing and enjoy, whatever turns you on, but not at the expense of everyone within a 10 yard radius of you!! Some people just dont have values anymore, I was brought up to respect others and not to cause trouble. My parents are both honest, caring people and it has rubbed off on me! For 20 years my father faithfully handed his pay-packet over to my Mother every single month! This was all ok until she found out he was paid weekly, then all hell broke loose. Should all married couples be frank and earnest, or should one of them be a woman...
Right, got that off my chest, thanks for listening, lol. I really enjoyed the show tho, those guy's are true pros, no matter if you like their music or not, they are good at what they do.

I've always like the Eagles, but never really wanted to play any of their stuff in my band, with the possible exception of Take It Easy. Spiny are best descibed as being "raw" lol, so the finer tones of Eagles songs wouldnt really fit too well into our set.
Maybe a punked-up version of Desperado??? Maybe not eh.


  • Yeah, sorry Andy. that was me. I was sending it to Pete townshend so he could hear how not to do it.

    Are you sure that was your father bringing home the money?

    By Blogger Delbut, at 3:56 pm  

  • Ha Andy,
    those twits must be related to the idiot who spent the entire Queen/Paul Rodgers show on his cellphone, ignoring the show and disrupting my enjoyment.

    Nice to meet you! I'm a blogger friend of Del's.


    By Blogger Anne-Marie, at 2:01 am  

  • Andy said...
    the row behind mine who kept shoving their phones along side my head when Hotel Cali was being played!!!!

    Too bad you didn't *sing along*.. LOUDLY.. into the cells (evil grin).

    My parents are both honest, caring people and it has rubbed off on me! For 20 years my father faithfully handed his pay-packet over to my Mother every single month! This was all ok until she found out he was paid weekly, then all hell broke loose.



    PS Who doesn't love the Eagles?

    By Blogger BlackVelvetLace, at 3:36 pm  

  • Hi Andy,
    I'm sorry that happened to you. I hate when people like that ruin a good concert experience.
    At a Korn concert I went to with my friend, I ended up in a seat next to a guy who looked like he didn't want to be there. While everyone was standing, he was sitting the whole time. At the end of their concerts, the drummer usually throws out his drumsticks to the lucky audience members who catch them. I was going to try to catch one of them but that was when the guy I sat next to decides to leave and walks right in front of me, blocking my view of the drummer!
    I know that doesn't relate to your incident, but still, that pissed me off. A person shouldn't go to a concert of a band they aren't into because all their doing is taking up seats which could've gone to someone who wants to be there.
    As for the cellphone people, if I were you, I would yell at them to turn it off because they're ruining the concert.

    Hopefully your next concert experience will not be ruined by those people.

    Have a great weekend!

    By Blogger Metalchick, at 4:00 am  

  • Oh Andy...didn't anyone tell you that when you drunk blog you are supposed to visit all your friends and leave nutty comments!?! I am hurt you didn't send me some love through all this you had to deal with ~snif!~

    Next time just get out Delbut's cat's vibrator and sing along as if it were your mic. That should allow for you to enjoy the show. I hear it works every time.

    Drop me a line so I can add your email and allow you on the "cool kids" list to view my blog. Like you I have no damn idea who I am anymore or what it is I really do (except flirt with Del because he pays me to to make him look cool). So I have this really really top secret blog, and...what was I saying?


    By Blogger Fleur de Bee, at 8:03 am  

  • Oy, get your own fucking mates. It's taken me months of hilarity on my blog to get these guys on my side and you blog twice and they are all over you like a bad rash.

    Next gig of ours you will be getting a drumstick up your arse.

    By Blogger Delbut, at 10:59 am  

  • Now now Del, let's not start arguing! No-body likes to see band members fighting (with the possible exception of Girls Allowed in Jelly)
    Why do you want to insert a piece of chicken into my behind??

    You got some f*%cking nutters for friends mate, lol, I love it!!! Cool people one and all!

    By Blogger Spiny, at 12:07 pm  

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